Title: How to Greet someone in Spanish. Explanation 1:First you need to know how to say the most common greetings. For an example in English we say
How are you?
Good Morning/ afternoon/ night
How is it going?
Whats your name?
Explanation 2: Here are the most common greetings in Spanish. Hi!orHello!-¡hola! Pleasedtomeetyou!-¡muchogusto! Manythanks!,thankyouverymuch!- ¡muchasgracias, Goodevening!,Goodnight!-¡buenasnoches! Goodafternoon!-¡buenastardes! How'sitgoing?-¿QueHay?
Explanation 3: You can use this information if you go to a Spanish speaking country for the first time. Or if you want to start a conversation with someone in Spanish. Here is a video example of two strangers meeting for the first time.
First things first, we need to learn our alphabet!:
Here is a list of all the Spanish alphabet letters.
Lo siento. But the Picture is kinda small, so i made it big to be able to read.
Some proper responses!
Example: Guy: ¡Hola!, ¿Cómo te llamás? (Hello, what is your name?) You: Mi nombre es, Joe (my name is Joe) Guy: ¿Como se escribe? (how do you spell that?) You: hota, O , eh (J O E.)
Explanation 1: In order to tell time in Spanish first you must know the numbers In Spanish. The chart below shows you the basic numbers and words you need to know for telling time In Spanish.
English numbers
Spanish Numbers
1 (one)
2 (two)
3 (three)
4 (four)
5 (five)
6 (six)
7 (seven)
8 (eight)
9 (nine)
10 (ten)
11 (eleven)
12 (twelve)
: 30
Y media
: 15
Y cuarto (like quarter) (pronounced like car and toe.
: 45
Menos cuarto (Quarter to the next hour)
: 55
Menos cinco (Five minutes till the next hour)
Now that you know the numbers you need to know how to ask the time.
You must say this to ask what time is it? ¿Qué hora es?
A good response would be Son las _(hour)______ y ___(Minute)___. To respond to the question
When it is one’o clock you must say Es la una y _______.
Example 1: The time
1) Son las tres y media. En English, "It is three thirty".
2) Es la una. En English It is one o'clock.
3) Es la una menos cinco. This means 5 minutes to one.
4) Son las cinco menos cuarto. This means 5 minutes to Five.
Example 2: AM and PM
1) Son las tres y media de mañana. This means "It is 3:30 am in the morning. (*note that mañana means morning or tomorrow)
2) Son las cinco menos cuarto de tarde. This means "It is 5:30 pm in the afternoon. (*note that tarde means afternoon or evening.)
3) Son las nueve y tres de noche. This means "It is 9:03 pm at night. (*note that noche means night.)
Explanation 2: In the video below is an example of a situation when a girl doesn’t know the time so she’s asks her amigo in the a classroom.
Here is a live clock in Philadelphia time for you to practice with! Nothing is better than practicing with real time.
Title: How to ask someone what today is, in Spanish.
Explanation 1:
If you want to ask someone the what today is, you say:
Hoy es____________ ? Today is...
In order to ask what the day is, you need to know how to say the days of the week in Spanish.
Explanation 2:
You can use this information to ask a classmate what day you take a test in Spanish class.
¿Cual es la fecha de hoy? What's today's date?
¿Cuando es tu/su cumplenos? When is your birthday?
Hoy es____________ ? Today is...